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의료진 소개

  • 직위

    직위 정보 제공
    병원 교수


    학력 정보 제공
    ~ 서울대대학원 응급의학 박사
    ~ 강원대대학원 응급의학 석사


    저서 정보 제공
    2020.09 초등 심폐소생술 학생 교육 기초 자료(보건진흥원)
    2020.09 중등 심폐소생술 학생 교육 자료(보건진흥원)
  • 논문

    논문 정보 제공
    2013.04 Spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma presenting as Brown-Sequard syndrome
    2013.09 Niacin Suppresses the Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Pathway and Attenuates Brain Injury After Cardiac Arrest in Rats
    2013.09 The effect of glutamine on cerebral ischaemic injury after cardiac arrest
    2014.02 Prolonged Therapeutic Hypothermia Is More Effective in Attenuating Brain Apoptosis in a Swine Cardiac Arrest Model
    2015.08 The therapeutic effect and mechanism of niacin on acute lung injury in a rat model of hemorrhagic shock: Down-regulation of the reactive oxygen species-dependent nuclear factor kappa B pathway
    2017.05 Association between systolic blood pressure after thrombolysis and early neurological improvement in ischaemic stroke patients
    2017.10 응급의료센터를 방문한 급성담낭염 환자에서 나이쇼크인덱스를 이용한중증도 예측의 유용성
    2017.12 Predictive Value of Psychological Scales for Hospitalization of Elderly Suicide Attempters
    2017.12 응급실에서 파열골절 환자의 수술여부를 예측하는 새로운 방법: CT에서 DFD를 CCD와 비교하여
    2018.01 Psychological scales as predictors of emergency department hospitalizations in suicide attempters
    2019.02 상병코드와 행위수가코드를 이용한 심정지 환자 색인
    2019.09 Femoral Intertrochanteric Fractures of the Patients in the Emergency Department due to Minor Falls: Special Consideration in the Middle-old to Oldest-old Patients
    2019.10 성인과 노인 지역획득폐렴 환자의 예후 인자로써 NT-proBNP의 유용성
    2020.05 Usefulness of the Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index to predict the severity of cholecystitis among older patients in the emergency department
    2020.06 고엽제 노출이 폐렴의 치료 결과에 미치는 영향
    2020.08 성인과 노인 지역획득폐렴 환자의 예후 인자로써 N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide의 유용성
    2020.09 Serum cholesterol as a predictor of mortality among the elderly patients with pneumonia in the emergency department
    2020.10 Acute phlegmonous gastritis complicated by subphrenic abscess
    2020.10 The relationship between body mass index and N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide in community-acquired pneumonia
    2020.12 향정신성 약물 중독에 의한 QTc 연장과 그 위험성에 대한 고찰
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