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경희의료원 로고

의료진 소개

  • 직위

    직위 정보 제공
    병원 교수


    학력 정보 제공
    1996 ~ 1998 경희대대학원 진단방사선과 박사
    1994 ~ 1996 경희대대학원 진단방사선과 석사
    1986 ~ 1993 경희대학교 의학과 학사

    경력 및 연수

    경력 및 연수 정보 제공
    ~ 현재 경희대학교 의과대학 입학관리실장
    ~ 현재 경희대학교 의과대학 의학과장
    ~ 현재 경희대학교병원 영상의학과 과장
    ~ 현재 경희대학교병원 영상의학과 교수
    2001 ~ 2011 순천향대학교 부천병원 영상의학과 부교수
    1999 ~ 2001 경희대학교병원 진단방사선과 임상강사
    1998 ~ 1999 서울대학교병원 진단방사선과 전임의
    ~ 경희의료원 진단방사선과 전공의
    1994 ~ 1998 경희대학교병원 진단방사선과 레지던트
    1993 ~ 1994 경희대학교병원 인턴
    ~ 미국 UCSD Visiting scholar


    학회활동 정보 제공
    ~ 대한복부영상의학회 보험이사
    ~ 대한초음파의학회 보험이사
    ~ 대한복부영상의학회
    ~ 대한초음파의학회
    ~ 대한영상의학회


    저서 정보 제공
    2012.10 Radiology Illustrated Gynecologic Imaging
    2017.11 부인과 초음파
  • 논문

    논문 정보 제공
    2011.06 Chest Radiographic Findings of Novel Swine-Origin Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Infection in Children
    2011.10 Sonography of intrascrotal appendage torsion: Varying echogenicity of the torsed appendage according to the time from onset
    2012.03 Retention of iodinated contrast material within renal cysts in a patient with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease.
    2012.03 Sonographic evaluation of anterosuperior hip labral tears with magnetic resonance arthrographic and surgical correlation.
    2012.03 The Bright Rim Sign on MRI for Anterior Talofibular Ligament Injury With Arthroscopic Correlation
    2012.03 Efficacy of urethral catheterisation with a hydrophilic guidewire in patients with urethral trauma for treating acute urinary bladder retention after failed attempt at blind catheterisation
    2012.04 PET/CT and MRI of intra-osseous haemangioma of the tibia
    2012.04 Color Doppler Twinkling Artifacts in Small-Bowel Bezoars
    2012.06 고환곁 배아횡문근육종의 초음파 소견:증례보고
    2012.06 Interval changes of an extrauterine adenomyoma on magnetic resonance imaging
    2012.06 Reassessment of CT images to improve diagnostic accuracy in patients with suspected acute appendicitis and an equivocal preoperative CT interpretation
    2012.09 하대정맥의 종양혈전을 동반한 고환 종양: 2예 보고
    2012.09 What is the role of plain radiography in patients with foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal tract?
    2012.10 Predicting the histology of small renal masses using preoperative dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging
    2012.10 Uterus-like mass involving the appendix: Us and CT findings
    2012.11 Unilateral Spermatic Cord Metastasis from Gastric Cancer: A Case Report
    2013.02 Crohn병의 진단과 질병 활성도, 합병증 평가에 있어서 CT 소장조영술의 횡단영상과 관상영상의 유용성 비교
    2013.08 Does Computed Tomography Have Any Additional Value After Sonography in Patients With Suspected Acute Appendicitis?
    2013.11 위석(Bezoar)에 의한 십이지장 게실의 천공: 증례 보고
    2014.06 Diagnostic effectiveness of dynamic colpocystoproctography in women planning for combined surgery with urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse
    2014.06 Gastrointestinal tract perforation: evaluation of MDCT according to perforation site and elapsed time
    2014.07 Contrast-induced nephropathy in patients undergoing intravenous contrast-enhanced computed tomography in Korea: A multi-institutional study in 101487 patients
    2015.02 우연히 발견된 방광벽 내 지방침착의 복부전산화단층촬영 소견: 1예 보고
    2015.04 Spontaneous Rupture of Pedunculated Gastric Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor into the Gastrocolic Ligament Presenting as a Stalked Mass Surrounded by Loculated Hematoma1
    2015.06 Distribution of Epididymal Involvement in Mumps Epididymo-orchitis
    2016.01 Sonography of Abdominal Wall Masses and Masslike Lesions Correlation With Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    2016.07 Sonography of Gastrointestinal Tract Diseases Correlation With Computed Tomographic Findings and Endoscopy
    2016.08 Malignant Granular Cell Tumor of the Abdominal Wall Mimicking Desmoid Tumor: A Case Report with CT Imaging Findings and Literature Review
    2017.02 근치전립선절제술 후 발생한 요실금 환자에서 재발전립선암으로 오인된요도주위확장성약물주사의 영상 소견: 증례 보고
    2017.02 An Algorithm for Management After Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt Placement According to Clinical Manifestations
    2017.03 Dynamic enhanced computed tomography imaging findings of an inflammatory fibroid polyp with massive fibrosis in the stomach
    2019.07 Tumors of the jejunum and ileum: a pattern-based imaging approach on CT
    2020.01 Gallbladder contraction at CT and sonography secondary to bowel preparation for colonoscopy
    2020.07 Tumor conspicuity significantly correlates with postoperative recurrence in patients with pancreatic cancer: a retrospective observational study
    2020.09 새로운 건강보험 보장성 강화 대책 2부: 복부 초음파 및 MRI 급여 확대
    2020.09 Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound for Focal Hepatic Lesions: When to Use and How to Differentiate Lesions?


    학술활동 정보 제공
    Malignant gastric subepithelial tumor: rare but critical.
    Multimodality imaging of abdominal lymph node and lymphoproliferative disease
    Vascular and other uncommon causes of hematuria on CT urography
    Various benign and malignant tumors of the rectum and perirectal region
    Convolutional neural network based deep learning to diagnosis the sinusitis with paranasal sinus X-ray
    Diagnostic Usefulness of Low-Dose Lumbar Multi-detector CT with Iterative Reconstruction in Trauma Patients: A Comparison with Standard-Dose CT
    Radiology? pathology correlation of rectal cancer with MR imaging and whole-mount pathologic specimen: general review of rectal MR imaging and clinical implication.
    Diagnostic performance of diffusion-weighted imaging for differentiating benign and malignant gallbladder lesions: A systemic review and meta-analysis
    Optimal approach to evaluate accessory spleen using feature learned pattern recognition algorithm: Preliminary Study to detect intrapancreatic accessory spleen.
    Radiological findings of ischemic abdominal diseases compared with pathological findings.
    A review of uncommonly encountered conditions related to appendix on CT
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