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경희의료원 로고

의료진 소개

  • 직위

    직위 정보 제공
    병원 교수, 진료과장


    학력 정보 제공
    ~ 2010 경희대대학원 의학과 박사

    경력 및 연수

    경력 및 연수 정보 제공
    2023 ~ 현재 경희대학교병원 응급의학과 진료과장
    2021 ~ 현재 경희대학교 의과대학 의학과 교수
    2015 ~ 2021 경희의료원 부교수
    2011 ~ 2015 경희의료원 조교수


    학회활동 정보 제공
    ~ 대한응급의학회
    ~ 대한중환자의학회
    ~ 한국정맥경장영양학회


    저서 정보 제공
    2019.11 응급의학 EMERGENCY MEDICINE
  • 논문

    논문 정보 제공
    2021.04 Acute phlegmonous gastritis complicated by subphrenic abscess
    2017.03 Association between systolic blood pressure after thrombolysis and early neurological improvement in ischaemic stroke patients
    2016.01 Association between blood pressure after thrombolysis and neurological outcome in the elderly patients with ischemic stroke
    2012.11 A study for evaluation of the validity of Mortality in Emergency Department Sepsis score in geriatric patients with sepsis at the emergency department
    2012.06 Nutritional risk screening as a prognostic factor for emergency department patients with severe sepsis
    2010.09 Predictive factors for short-term mortality in terminal cancer patients who visit an emergency department
    2009.01 Medical malpractice claims on emergency medical facilities: Medicolegal consideration based on judicial precedents
    2021.06 The relationship between body mass index and N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide in community-acquired pneumonia
    2020.02 Usefulness of the Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index to predict the severity of cholecystitis among older patients in the emergency department
    2013.05 Performance of the Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index in predicting 28-day hospital mortality in older adult patients with sepsis
    2012.02 Application of the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score in patients with advanced cancer who present to the ED
    2011.03 Serum C-reactive protein level is a predictive factor for 14-day mortality of patients with advanced cancer who present to the emergency department with acute symptoms
    2011.02 Toll-like receptor 1 gene polymorphisms in childhood IgA nephropathy: a case-control study in the Korean population
    2011.01 Therapeutic effect of Korean Red Ginseng on inflammatory cytokines in rats with focal cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury
    2007.01 Relationships between β-fibrinogen gene -455 G/A polymorphism, 448 G/A polymorphism, and plasma fibrinogen concentration in Korean ischemic stroke patients
    2021.07 Serum cholesterol as a predictor of mortality among the elderly patients with pneumonia in the emergency department
    2021.04 The comparison of psychological scales as hospitalization predictors between adult and elderly suicide attempts
    2009.04 The degree and duration of pain caused by nasogastric tube insertion and urinary catheterization
    2010.07 Is a psychiatric consultation necessary for the non-suicidal intentional drug ingestion patient in an emergency department?
    2010.10 Computed tomography findings for acute cholangitis in an emergency department: Comparison of sepsis and non-sepsis patient groups
    2011.02 Infected abdominal aortic aneurysm due to Morganella morganii: CT findings
    2011.06 Coding polymorphisms of bone morphogenetic protein 2 contribute to the development of childhood IgA nephropathy
    2011.09 Association between toll-like receptor 10 (TLR10) gene polymorphisms and childhood IgA nephropathy
    2011.02 Coding single-nucleotide polymorphisms of interleukin-1 gene cluster are not associated with Kawasaki disease in the Korean population
    2011.03 Association between interleukin-4 gene polymorphisms and intracerebral haemorrhage in Korean population
    2011.05 Clinical study of primary epiploic appendagitis diagnosed in an emergency department
    2012.07 Hemoperitoneum caused by a ruptured corpus luteum in adults with immune thrombocytopenic purpura
    2012.04 Korean red ginseng protects against neuronal damage induced by transient focal ischemia in rats
    2012.11 PDGFRA promoter polymorphisms are associated with the risk of papillary thyroid cancer
    2012.05 Traumatic hemobilia without liver parenchymal injury due to blunt trauma
    2012.01 Shock bowel caused by neurogenic shock: Computed tomography findings
    2012.12 The relationship between rhabdomyolysis and alcohol ingestion in doxylamine intoxicated patients
    2013.01 Transabdominal decompression of extrapericardial tamponade due to intestinal obstruction
    2013.02 Assessment of NMDA receptor genes (GRIN2A, GRIN2B and GRIN2C) as candidate genes in the development of degenerative lumbar scoliosis
    2013.03 Association between regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis 2 gene polymorphisms and degenerative lumbar scoliosis
    2013.04 Association of CXCL1 promoter polymorphism with ischaemic stroke in Korean population
    2013.05 The characteristics and factors affecting patients diagnosed with lower limb arteriosclerosis obliterans in an emergency department
    2014.04 The Korean Hypothermia Network Investigators. Outcome and current status of therapeutic hypothermia after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Korea using data from the Korea Hypothermia Network registry
    2014.06 External validation study of San Francisco Syncope Rule based on standardized reporting guidelines for emergency department syncope risk stratification research
    2014.07 . A retrospective study for validity of the Denver Seizure Score in emergency medical care center for differential diagnosis of seizure and syncope
    2016.09 Near-complete optic nerve transection by high-pressure air
    2016.10 The characteristics of elderly patients with suicide attempts: a comparative study with non-elderly patients
    2016.10 Risk of traumatic intracranial hemorrhage from low-energy falls in the oldest-old patients
    2019.05 Clinical factors associated with obstructive coronary artery disease in patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: data from the Korean Cardiac Arrest Research Consortium (KoCARC) registry
    2019.01 Association between acute kidney injury and neurological outcome or death at 6 months in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a prospective, multicenter, observational cohort study
    2019.02 Femoral intertrochanteric fractures of the patients in the emergency department due to minor falls: special consideration in the middle-old to oldest-old patients
    2020.12 Outcome and status of postcardiac arrest care in Korea: results from the Korean Hypothermia Network prospective registry
    2021.07 Association between the body mass index and outcomes of patients resuscitated from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a prospective multicentre registry study


    학술활동 정보 제공
    대장내시경을 통한 폴립절제술 후 발생한 복통과 발열로 응급실 방문한 좌측 엉덩근의 고름근육염 1례
    Workplace violence experienced by emergency room worker and its association with mental health assessment
    혈변으로 응급실을 방문한 대동맥 창자 샛길 1례
    거식증으로 오인된 두개내 생식세포종 1례
    벼락두통으로 응급실 방문한 젊은 환자 뇌경색 1례
    The surveys and proposals of the infectious disease home isolation through Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) transmission
    Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and C-reactive protein are predictors for severe cholecystitis in laparoscopic cholecystectomy patients
    Association between early blood pressure variables and ischemic stroke outcome after intravenous thrombolysis
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