Thyroid and Endocrine Surgery

  • Minimize surgical scars using advanced equipment and rapid diagnosis!


    Thyroid cancer is the most common in women.
    The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped endocrine organ located at the front of the neck that makes thyroid hormones to promote metabolism and maintain function. Although the number of thyroid cancer detections is increasing due to the recent increase in health checkups and the development of diagnostic equipment, thyroid cancer is a cancer that requires attention because the cause of its disease is not known. Thyroid cancer is called a ‘good cancer’ because of its slow progression and high prognosis if detected early.

    The Department of and Endocrine Surgery is in charge of diagnosis and treatment of problems with organ functions involved in hormone secretion, including the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, as well as benign tumors and cancers.

    When thyroid cancer is found, surgical treatment is performed in consideration of the important anatomical location of the thyroid gland and the possibility of metastasis. With a rapid diagnosis, patients can be discharged from the hospital within 2 weeks after surgery, and state-of the art equipment, the da Vinci S Surgical System, is applied to minimize scarring.

    Medical Fields

    Thyroid disease

    Thyroid cancer, thyroid nodule

    Adrenal disease

    Adrenal tumor

    Thyroid cancer

    Parathyroid gland

    Robotic surgery



    Thyroid Cancer Treatment

    Thyroid cancer is increasing explosively with the recent increase in health checkups and the development of diagnostic equipment. There are some reports that early detection of thyroid cancer and monitoring when the tumor is very small can be an alternative to treatment. Although rare, considering the possibility of systemic metastasis, surgery by a specialized thyroid surgeon who can minimize complications is the best treatment. At Kyung Hee Medical Center, Thyroid Surgery Clinic provides a prompt diagnosis and allows you to be discharged from the hospital within 2 weeks after surgery.

    Robot-assisted endoscopic thyroidectomy without scar on the neck

    Thyroid cancer is more common in women, and cosmetic interest has increased, especially with the increase in younger patients. With the increase in early diagnosis of thyroid cancer and the development of advanced surgical equipment, endoscopic surgery without scarring the neck has been developed. In particular, by applying the advanced equipment, the da Vinci S Surgical System, we are actively performing “robot-assisted endoscopic thyroidectomy” which is more sophisticated and does not leave scars. After making small holes around the areolas and in the armpits on both sides, a thyroidectomy is performed using special equipment such as a robot arm. It is cosmetically superior to most patients with benign tumors and thyroid cancer. However, this operation is not possible in all cases, and there are cases where this method is not the best.

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